Topic Cooking

 Topic Cooking

Do you like cooking?

→ Of course I love cooking. I have a passion for cooking because I can prepare home-cooked food , which is much safer and healthier than processed food . Besides, cooking is a great way to relax as well as show affection to your loved ones.

Is it difficult for you to cook Vietnamese food?

→ Not really. Since I was born and raised here, I’m very familiar with the main ingredients in most Vietnamese dishes and how to season them. I did have some difficulty learning how to use kitchen equipment at first, but not learning how to prepare Vietnamese food.

Do you want to learn how to cook?

→ Certainly, since cooking is considered as a survival skill that everyone should learn. Ever since I was a little girl, spending time in the kitchen helping my mother’s cooking has been a great interest of mine.

Did you learn to cook when you were a child? / Who taught you how to cook?

→ Actually no. My parents were always occupied with work , so cooking, let alone teaching me to cook, was nearly impossible for them. However, I used to spend a lot of time at my grandparents’ house during summer so I got to learn how to prepare some simple meals myself from my grandmother.

Do you think baking is a healthy method of cooking?

→ As far as I’m concerned, it is! Baked dishes are usually not greasy . But it takes a lot of time to bake so not many families in my country prefer this method of cooking.

Do you prefer eating home cooked meals or eating out?

→ Honestly it depends. There’s no doubt that food at restaurants is less hygienic than homecooked food but we don’t know what kind of ingredients they put in. But on special occasions or lazy days, I would definitely dine out to save time clearing up as well as enjoying a nice change of atmosphere .

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